View permitted body art facilities and practitioners
On October 9, 2011, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 300 (Ma) The Safe Body Art Act into law. In California, body art practitioners and body art facilities are required to comply with the new state law. After July 1, 2012, compliance with AB 300 was mandatory. While this is state law, authority has been delegated to the local enforcement agency, the Department of Environmental Health (DEH), to implement.
Prior to the new state law, the County of Santa Clara adopted a local ordinance to regulate body art and has implemented a body art program to permit and inspect practitioners and facilities since 2006. Our local ordinance and the new state law apply to the practice of tattooing, body piercing, permanent cosmetics, and branding.
A body art practitioner with a Practitioner Registration issued from any other jurisdiction within California has limited reciprocity. This is intended to allow the Practitioner to practice within this county and any other county in California for 5 consecutive days, but no more than 15 days total, in a calendar year.
Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Control Training Courses must be in compliance with the Safe Body Art Law (AB 300) Section 119307(c). Review this reference list of available Blood Borne Training Courses.
For mechanical stud and clasp ear piercing, completion of this form will constitute compliance with California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 1, Article 7, Section 119325. It is not intended to nor does it fulfill any requirements for any other activity including body art practitioner registration/permitting or body art facility permits as set forth in The Safe Body Art Act, California Health and Safety Code Sections 119300 through 119324.