Apply for a catering permit
Catering operation
What is a catering operation?
A Catering Operation is a food service that is conducted by a permanent food facility at a location other than its permitted location.
Catering operations may operate under one of the following circumstances:
- As part of a contracted offsite food service event (i.e. wedding, birthdays, company meetings, banquet, etc.). This type of operation is covered by your food facility Environmental Health Permit that is approved for food preparation where food is served.
If you do not have a Food Facility Permit, you may apply for a Catering Permit.
Catering Operations Application Packet
- In conjunction with a host facility with direct food service. For this type of operation, an additional application must be submitted and approved by this Department prior to operation.
Catering Operation at a Host Facility Application
Commercial Kitchen Agreement
Host facility
What is a host facility?
A host facility is a location in a brewery, winery, commercial building, or another location approved by County of Santa Clara. A host facility must meet applicable requirements and provide infrastructure to support a catering operation that provides food directly to individual consumers for a limited period of time, up to four hours, in any one 12-hour period.
An application must be submitted and approved by the Department prior to operation.