Application for septic tank or OWTS abandonment
When submitting to obtain Septic/Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) abandonment, please provide the following to [email protected]:

- A completed Construction Permit Application
- One(1) copy of the site plan to scale (1” = 20’). Plans must include:
- Location of septic tank and leachfield (As-built)
- Proposed method of abandonment clearly noted (please refer to our Septic Tank Abandonment Procedures handout for more information)
- A copy of a septic pumper’s report stating the tank has been pumped/emptied will be required before Onsite Inspection.
The Septic/OWTS permit must be issued prior to start of the abandonment. Once approval has been obtained, contact DEH to schedule an onsite inspection to verify the abandonment of the tank.
NOTE: Additional fees may apply. All applicable fees must be paid in full prior to any services provided by DEH (inspections, plan reviews, approvals, etc.). Projects/Submittals are reviewed in the order received - with the exception of septic system failures. Please refer to the current DEH Fee Schedule for more information.
DEH will not begin any work until all the items noted above and payment are received.
Please forward all large/over-sized sitemaps and necessary documents to the following:
County of Santa Clara – DEH
RE: (Project number, once assigned)
1555 Berger Drive #300
San Jose, CA 95112